Swimrite is proud to have its own grading structure for our swimming lessons. This unique structure has been developed to ensure the children learn the core skills they will need in future life to help keep them safe or to give them a start on the journey to the Olympic podium. Each of our grades has 10 aims or targets that the children need to complete and be secure in. When they display they are secure in these areas, they get awarded the certificate of this Grade and move up to the subsequent graded class.
To understand how well your child is progressing in their swimming lessons, at the end of each term you will receive a report from the teacher on how well your child is achieving in each area.
In addition to our own grading badges and certificates from our lesson structure, Swimrite also offer distance badges through the asa award scheme. These badges and certificates are endored by the national governing body for swimming as well as the English Schools’ Swimming Association.