Swimrite has offered high quality swimming lessons across the Dudley borough since 1973.
It is our philosophy at Swimrite to provide a fun, safe environment for children to learn the basic life skill of being able to swim.
Run by experienced, knowledgeable swimming experts we will provide high level teaching advice that is aimed at educating both the swimmer and their parents.
We now offer a full swimming program to encompass all groups and abilities, from parent and tots, beginners through to all higher Swimrite Grades and beyond.
To ensure swimmers progress quickly and gain as much individual attention as possible we limit the swimmer/teacher ratio’s initially to a maximum of 6 children per class, rising to 9 in our more advanced classes.
At Swimrite we believe that by having smaller groups combined with the teacher being initially in the water with the swimmers, enables maximum attention, a quicker understanding of what is required and a faster development so personal goals are easier to reach.
Having the teachers in the pool also offers a more hands on approach to swimming but for those swimmers who are a little more nervous it is reassuring having someone at their eye level who is also close by.
Communication is very important to us at Swimrite, or aim is to keep you up to date with every stroke of your child’s progress. Each term every swimmer will receive an individual report detailing what they have achieved and drawing attention to areas that need to improve to progress further.
Finally, on completion of our learn to swim scheme each swimmer will be offered a place in our new Swim4it classes. This class will be tailor made for those swimmers who wish to still swim on a regular basis but without the commitment of joining a club. Where you will still receive high class teaching/coaching advice on a weekly basis.
The benefits of swimming and sport in general are well rehearsed and we hope that not only will Swimrite teach your child to swim but also help to develop the confidence and skills they will find essential in their everyday lives.